We are excited to announce that we will introduce an online booking system on Monday 18th November.
Our current portal served us well, particularly during Covid, but it is time for an upgrade.
We hope that this will improve patients’ experience with the practice, reduce phone call waiting times and waiting times in the Surgery.
Our current portal users will have to register once off for this new portal- link will be on the webiste on 4th November.
Patients of the practice, not on our current portal, can register for this new portal from the link on the webiste on 4th November.
There will be an app that you can download on your phone for this new portal/online booking system.
This will allow booking of certain Nurse appointments initially. As both ourselves and our patients get familiar with the system, this will be widened to certain Doctor appointments.
This system allows our patients to communicate securely to request things like sick notes and copies of results. These can be sent electronically to you and avoid having to pick up these items in person.
Prescriptions can be ordered through this new portal also.
Our email will be gradually phased out as a means of communicating with us.
We recommend that all our patients register for this service.