Appointments (9.00-12.00 2.30-5.00)
We use an appointment system to make the best use of everybody’s time. When you make an appointment, tell the receptionist which doctor you wish to see and when. If your preferred doctor is unavailable, we will offer you an appointment with one of the other GPs in the team.
Some delays are inevitable in medical practice, but please rest assured that we are trying to minimize them and that we are very conscious of when they occur.
You can help us help yourselves in a few ways…
• Please ring in advance for non-urgent appointments where possible.
• For urgent problems, we will make every effort to see you on the day.
However if there are no free appointments, you may have to wait to be seen
• Please notify the receptionist at the time of booking the appointment if you
are requesting a special service e.g. vaccination, maternity, travel clinic etc.
• If you have a list of problems, consider writing them down, and let the
doctor or nurse know at the start of the consultation. We may not get
through them all in one day!
• If your problem is urgent or you feel too ill to wait, please tell us as we will
always give priority to such cases, and most especially to sick children.
• If you cannot attend for your appointment, please let us know so that it
may be offered to someone else. If you cannot get through to cancel an
appointment, please text a message to 086 3885002. (this number cannot
be used for making appointments or clinical advice)