It is recommended that children from 3rd class and up wear face masks in school from today.
At Wheaton Hall we broadly support these new public measures. While children with special needs can be exempted from this, there is no reason why a child with asthma or other respiratory difficulties should not wear a mask. Indeed, these children are at increased risk of Covid-19 complications.
We will not be providing exemption certificates for children to let a school know that a child is asthmatic or has another related breathing condition.
We would ask that parents do not contact us to request such certificates, and recommend that parents try a variety of masks for their children so that they can have a mask that is comfortable, snug-fitting, and safe. Scarf masks or face shields do not provide adequate protection. Make it fun for the children – it works elsewhere!
Now is a particularly busy time of year – winter flu season, non-covid care, chronic disease management, as well vaccination clinics – so we thank you for your understanding on this matter.